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Call Me Oklahoma! is the perfect 4th-grade read-aloud.  With a playful main character named Paige Turner, and a poignant message about bravery and self-acceptance, it captures the essence of life as a fourth grader. Call Me Oklahoma! is a must-read and should be in every fourth-grade classroom!"
--Karla Cunha-Cardosa, Fourth-grade teacher, Lawrence School, Brookline, MA


It can be hard to find a book that is appealing and appropriate for the wide range of abilities in my classroom. Call Me Oklahoma! definitely fit the bill. Additionally, in our fiction writing unit, we have students take inspiration from their own lives to develop a story. It really helped drive the idea that our own lives can be the perfect jumping-off point for creating a story. Thank you for such a wonderful piece of children's literature. I was so happy to share it with my students.


--Cecelia Gloski, Fourth-Grade Teacher, McCarthy School, Framingham, MA

Call Me Oklahoma! roped my third graders in from the very first page. They alternately sympathized and laughed out loud as Paige navigated fourth-grade hurdles, such as the mean girl in class, the book fair bungle, and the "personal jinx." Paige's annoying brother and obnoxious little cousin had them hooked and begging for more. They couldn't wait for our afternoon read-aloud to see what happened next. All the kids roared over the joke at the end and asked if there were more books in the series. They predicted that the next book would be, Call Me Chicago!


--Karen Jameson, Third Grade Teacher, Peachland Elementary, Newhall, CA 

Halloween broom.jpg

Halloweena is a very giggle-inducing telling of an unusual adoption story...There's a fine interplay between the droll text and Roberts' wonderfully puckish illustrations.--Kirkus Reviews

© 2014 Miriam Glassman

2003, Victoria Roberts, Halloweena


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